“What’s my Business’s Goal on Social Media?”

Most of the content we post won’t go viral, but that’s perfectly normal.

Whether we realize it or not we have this expectation in the back of our minds that when we start social media accounts for our businesses it's going to take off right away and have thousands of likes, views, and subscribers.

If the goal of your social media is to go viral then I’ve got some bad news for you: When content takes off like that it's generally a whole lot of luck.

You should have two main goals for your social media:

1.    Further establish your online presence and show that you're credible, honest, authentic, knowledgeable, etc.

2.    Steadily build your following and engagement consistently over time.

It might feel uncomfortable, but it's perfectly normal to start off with just a few followers and likes. Just keep at it, be consistent, and experiment with different types of posts and posting times.

And if your post does happen to take off like that, then that's amazing. You’ve won the internet! Take advantage of it. However, don't let going viral be your metric for success.


“Should I Keep My Personal and Business Social Media Separate?”


“What’s my Business’s Role on Social Media?”