“What’s my Business’s Role on Social Media?”

If every single post that you have on your social media is promoting your business, you, or sales you have going on — stop! Take a step back and figure out what is your business’s role on social media.

The answer to that is actually not that different from what is your business’s role in society. If you are offering a service, you are expected to be the expert in that field.

People go on social media not necessarily because they're looking to buy something. That usually happens by accident. They go on there because they're bored, want to connect with somebody, talk about themselves, or even learn something.

There's this concept called the 80/20 rule where 80 percent of your social media content is actually supposed to be personable and demonstrate that you're a real live person who knows their stuff. What does that look like? This could be advice, tips, recipes, news related to your field, or inspirational content.

And then there's the 20 percent promotional. As a whole, you are supposed to be portraying yourself as this really smart person who knows what they're talking about and is super helpful. And then occasionally you also happen to be a person who sells something. It’s mostly you just trying to have a human connection.

Of course, this concept varies from business to business, but the general idea is the same. People don't want you selling to them 24/7. You need to have variety and show that you're a person, too (Just keep it professional and not too you-focused — a topic for another time). You just happen to be a person who really knows what they're talking about.


“What’s my Business’s Goal on Social Media?”


“What Social Media Platforms Should my Business be on?”